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MeshCentral Assistant

Initial Setup

Agent Invite Code

"domains": {
    "": {
        "agentInviteCodes": true

agent invite code

Agent Invitation

Click on the 'Invite' button next to the device group name to access it.

For link invitation web page customization:

  1. Alongside meshcentral-data create a folder called meshcentral-web
  2. Create a views folder in it and copy the file node_modules/meshcentral/views/invite.handlebars into it.
  3. That copy will be served instead of the default one, so you can customize it as you want.

agent invite code

Email Invitation

This option will show up if you have an SMTP email server set up with MeshCentral.

For invitation email customization:

  1. Alongside meshcentral-data create a folder called meshcentral-web
  2. Create an emails folder in it and copy the files node_modules/meshcentral/emails/mesh-invite.txt and node_modules/meshcentral/emails/mesh-invite.html into it.
  3. These copies will be used instead of the default ones, so you can customize them as you want.


Email notification

You can also get an email notification when someone clicks the "Request Help" button in the Assistant agent.