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Code Signing

Authenticode-JS Video

Nodejs Code Signing module

MeshCentral comes with authenticode.js, you can run it like this:

node node_modules/meshcentral/authenticode-js

and you will get

MeshCentral Authenticode Tool.
  node authenticode.js [command] [options]
  info: Show information about an executable.
        --exe [file]             Required executable to view information.
        --json                   Show information in JSON format.
  sign: Sign an executable.
        --exe [file]             Required executable to sign.
        --out [file]             Resulting signed executable.
        --pem [pemfile]          Certificate & private key to sign the executable with.
        --desc [description]     Description string to embbed into signature.
        --url [url]              URL to embbed into signature.
        --hash [method]          Default is SHA384, possible value: MD5, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384 or SHA512.
        --time [url]             The time signing server URL.
        --proxy [url]            The HTTP proxy to use to contact the time signing server, must start with http://
  unsign: Remove the signature from the executable.
        --exe [file]             Required executable to un-sign.
        --out [file]             Resulting executable with signature removed.
  createcert: Create a code signging self-signed certificate and key.
        --out [pemfile]          Required certificate file to create.
        --cn [value]             Required certificate common name.
        --country [value]        Certificate country name.
        --state [value]          Certificate state name.
        --locality [value]       Certificate locality name.
        --org [value]            Certificate organization name.
        --ou [value]             Certificate organization unit name.
        --serial [value]         Certificate serial number.
  timestamp: Add a signed timestamp to an already signed executable.
        --exe [file]             Required executable to sign.
        --out [file]             Resulting signed executable.
        --time [url]             The time signing server URL.
        --proxy [url]            The HTTP proxy to use to contact the time signing server, must start with http://
  icons: Show the icon resources in the executable.
        --exe [file]               Input executable.
  saveicons: Save an icon group to a .ico file.
        --exe [file]               Input executable.
        --out [file]               Resulting .ico file.
        --icongroup [groupNumber]  Icon groupnumber to save to file.
        --removeicongroup [number]
        --icon [groupNumber],[filename.ico]

Note that certificate PEM files must first have the signing certificate,
followed by all certificates that form the trust chain.

When doing sign/unsign, you can also change resource properties of the generated file.

          --filedescription [value]
          --fileversion [value]
          --internalname [value]
          --legalcopyright [value]
          --originalfilename [value]
          --productname [value]
          --productversion [value]

Automatic Agent Code Signing

If you want to self-sign the mesh agent so you can whitelist the software in your AV, as well as lock it to your server and organization:


If you generate your private key on windows with use BEGIN PRIVATE KEY and openssl needs BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY you can convert your private key to rsa private key using openssl rsa -in server.key -out server_new.key

Setting Agent File info

Now that MeshCentral customizes and signs the agent, you can set that value to anything you like.

"domains": {
      "agentFileInfo": {
            "filedescription": "sample_filedescription",
            "fileversion": "",
            "internalname": "sample_internalname",
            "legalcopyright": "sample_legalcopyright",
            "originalfilename": "sample_originalfilename",
            "productname": "sample_productname",
            "productversion": "v0.1.2.3"